
Monday 25 March 2019

Australian Prime Minister literally runs away from an awkward question

 Junkee, 21 March 2019:

Scott Morrison’s been having a bit of a shocker lately, and yesterday was no exception. After a journalist appeared to catch him in a lie at a press conference, our esteemed Prime Minister responded by abruptly ending the conference and fleeing.

ScoMo’s Great Escape took place after journalist Samantha Maiden asked him about a bit of a touchy subject: a 2011 report that he urged the Coalition to exploit anti-Muslim sentiment as part of an election strategy. Morrison has repeatedly denied saying this, and has been telling media that his colleague Greg Hunt backs him up — on the record.

Except, as Sam Maiden pointed out at the press conference, “the problem with that is that Greg Hunt did not attend the meeting” where Scott Morrison reportedly made the comments in the first place. She went on to point out that those who actually did attend the meeting told the Sydney Morning Herald that Morrison had made the comments, but before she could finish the sentence ScoMo cut her off.

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