
Wednesday 13 March 2019

NSW Liberals behaving badly in March 2019 state election campaign

ABC News, 9 March 2019:

A NSW Liberal Party candidate has had her personal Facebook account suspended, after it was linked to fake accounts that trolled her opponent.

Sitting Labor MP for Port Stephens, Kate Washington, last week claimed that for the past six months fake Facebook accounts had been deriding her, but praising her Liberal rival Jaimie Abbott.

The Liberal Party last week denied any involvement, but yesterday conceded Facebook suspended Ms Abbott's account as well as the account of parliamentary staffer Tasman Brown.

Mr Brown works for Liberal MLC Catherine Cusack.

Ms Washington said Ms Abbott should be disendorsed for what she said were dirty tactics…..

The Liberal Party has denied Ms Abbott had any knowledge of the fake Facebook accounts, and it is blaming Mr Brown.

Ms Abbott told the ABC she was deeply saddened about the incident and felt many were misled.

"Elections should be a contest of ideas rather than a race for likes on social media, and I think that Tasman [Brown] forgot about this," she said.

"Tasman has admitted to me that as a volunteer on my campaign he was responsible for making multiple Facebook posts about the campaign under a number of names."

The Liberal candidate said she had called Ms Washington to apologise on behalf of her campaign and assured her that Mr Brown would have no further involvement in it.

"I intend to focus on continuing to campaign on issues that are important to this community," she said.

Opposition Leader Michael Daley said the trolling was a "new low" in Australian politics.

"This is Putin-style politics in Australia, it's not acceptable and I think that the position of the Premier's candidate in Port Stephens is untenable," he said.....

Mr Brown is employed under Liberal MLC Ms Cusack, who said she was incredibly disappointed.

"He [Mr Brown] realises that it's been a huge mistake, it's an embarrassment and all I can say is he's very full of remorse and he's stepped completely aside from anything to do with the Port Stephens campaign," she said.

Ms Cusack said Ms Abbott's personal Facebook account was suspended only because it was linked to Mr Brown.

She said Mr Brown had administration rights to Ms Abbott's personal account to help with her social media campaign ahead of this month's state election.

Ms Washington has asked the clerk of the NSW Parliament to investigate whether Mr Brown's online activities violated any breach of parliamentary resources.....


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