
Friday 15 March 2019

Something to think about - Part Three

@drkerrynphelps, 9 March 2019

The Sydney Morning Herald, 10 April 2018:

Sixty-eight per cent of the current federal parliamentarians are men, and that’s the best statistic we can squeeze out of them. Eighty per cent of the government MPs and 78 percent of cabinet ministers are men. Seventy-nine per cent are of Anglo-Celtic background  and 70 per cent of the parliament are between 40 and 60 years of age.

Most of the state parliaments aren’t much better. South Australia is the worst, at 67 per cent men. NSW is not far behind at 61 per cent. Tasmania and the two territories are the only ones close to parity.

Interestingly, in every state and territory, except South Australia and New South Wales, the Labor Party is close to an even gender split. The Liberals and Nationals, however, hover between 75 and 80 per cent men in every state but Tasmania, middle aged white men, being only one tenth of the population, are over represented at a ratio of about six to one in government.

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