
Tuesday 23 April 2019

Clarence Valley winter woolies drive on 29 April to 5 May 2019

The Daily Examiner, 22 April 2019, p.4:

If you have clothes piling up in the back of your wardrobe you’ve forgotten about or won’t be wearing any more, now is the time to dig them out.

What started out as an initiative of the Waste Not Want Not Facebook group has quickly become a tradition now in its sixth year.

The original yarn bombing movement was about injecting colour and joy into everyday life, but for Sue Noddy and the other organisers, it was a chance to help others.

“If it’s been sitting your wardrobe forever and you don’t wear it any more bring it down, it is all about recycling things,” Ms Noddy said.

She said anything warm is welcomed but hoodies, jeans and mittens are particularly useful.

“We do have some ladies who are knitting crochet all year-round rugs, hats and scarves and they will peg their hand knitted items up,”

“We run it for a week, we don’t take the items in at night because some people don’t want to be seen taking things off the fence,” she said.

“We leave it out all night, all day, even if it rains people still come and take the items.”
There will be three locations for the community to donate their pre-loved winter woollies, two in Grafton and one in Maclean.

Drop off points from April 29–May 5:

New School of Art neighbourhood house, corner of Spring and New streets, South Grafton
The Hub Baptist Church, corner of Queen and Oliver streets
River St, Maclean, next to the fire station.

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