
Thursday 18 April 2019

David Leyonhjelm out of a job and on his way to court

After prematurely claiming victory before the full Legislative Council ballot count was completed, only to find himself among the losers at the recent NSW election, former federal senator David Leyonhjelm now has to face court on 29 April 2019......

ABC News, 17 April 2019:

Senator Hanson-Young is suing Mr Leyonhjelm for defamation, claiming her character had been attacked through statements that she was a misandrist and a hypocrite in television and radio interviews last year.

The former Liberal Democrat senator, who recently failed in his election bid for the NSW Upper House, has denied he defamed the Greens politician.

Today, the Federal Court heard Senator Keneally was among 10 witnesses who were expected to provide evidence to the trial.

Senators Derryn Hinch and Stirling Griff are expected to be called to give evidence, while Senator Hanson-Young and Mr Leyonhjelm will also testify.

Sue Chrysanthou, the lawyer for Senator Hanson-Young, said several senators would be expected to undergo a short cross-examination at court.

She requested the witnesses be allowed to appear via video link due to the "exorbitant" cost of flying them to Sydney.

However, Justice Richard White was reluctant to agree, and said the witnesses were available and had been given plenty of notice.

He told the court he had warned the parties that the timing was likely to coincide with an election.

Ms Chrystanthou and Mr Leyonhjelm's lawyer, Kurt Stoyle, both confirmed that attempts to find a resolution through mediation had failed.

'This is something I feel very strongly about'

Senator Hanson-Young is seeking re-election while Mr Leyonhjelm has conceded his "life as a politician is over" following the NSW state poll.

In a blog post published earlier this week, Mr Leyonhjelm was particularly critical of the Liberal Democrats, which he led for more than a decade.

"While this is not a personal tragedy for me [I was always a fairly reluctant politician], it is concerning for the Liberal Democratic Party," he wrote.

"I wish I could say the party is in good hands, but I fear that is not the case.
"The National Executive does not inspire confidence."

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