
Thursday 4 April 2019

Scott Morrison just can't resist the urge to meddle in Liberal Party candidate selection

Latest version of Scott Morrison on the Net

Yet another 'captain's pick' is on the cards.....

The Canberra Times, 31 March 2019:

A Liberal vying to become the party's candidate for Craig Laundy's old seat has delivered an astonishing condemnation of the closed-door selection process, just as Prime Minister Scott Morrison prepares to name his captain's pick for the hotly contested Sydney electorate.

Controversial psychiatrist and writer Tanveer Ahmed - who is among a number of people under consideration for the job - slammed the process as unfair and undemocratic, arguing he had been denied the opportunity to confront his challengers.

It is expected Mr Morrison could recommend a candidate to replace Mr Laundy in the inner west seat of Reid as soon as Sunday, to be rubber-stamped by the party's state executive on Monday.

The Sun-Herald understands Dr Ahmed met with Mr Morrison's principal private secretary Yaron Finkelstein and factional powerbroker Alex Hawke, the Special Minister of State, and has been positively vetted.

But Mr Morrison is said to be considering other options including two women and failed state election candidate for Kogarah, Scott Yung. Liberal pollsters have also gauged support for Coca Cola executive Tanya Baini.

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