
Sunday 12 May 2019

Portrait of a Dangerous Smirking Fool

Australian Prime Minister & Liberal MP for Cook Scott Morrison, ABC "7.30", 6 May 2019:  “Do I think the United Australian [sic] Party is a bigger risk than….the Labor Party and the Greens. No I don’t”.
 Image: @_sara_jade

, 6 May 2019:

Scott Morrison appeared on the ABC’s 7.30 tonight and said some very questionable things, but one in particular stood out: our Prime Minister reckons that a 100 percent renewable energy target is more of a risk to Australia than anything Clive Palmer and his United Australia Party has to offer.

Morrison shared this view after 7.30 host Leigh Sales pressed him on why the Coalition chose to make preference deals with Pauline Hanson’s One Nation and Clive Palmer’s UAP this election.

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