
Monday 17 June 2019

Domestic Violence in the NSW Northern Rivers Region in 2019

According to the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research in the year to March 2019 there were 202 Domestic Violence (DV) assaults recorded in the Clarence Valley Local Government Area (LGA), compared to 30,063 DV assaults recorded state-wide.

In the same time period elsewhere in the NSW Northern Rivers region:

Tweed LGA - 344 recorded DV assaults
Richmond Valley LGA - 141 recorded DV assaults
Byron LGA - 115 recorded DV assaults
Ballina LGA - 124 recorded DV assaults
Lismore LGA - 227 recorded DV assaults
Kyogle LGA - 55 recorded DV assaults.

Three domestic violence related homicides were recorded in the Northern Rivers region for the year to March 2019 and 44 domestic violence related homicides state-wide.

An unenviable statistic, having 6.81 per cent of all NSW domestic violence related homicides occur within the Northern Rivers region.

None of the Northern Rivers domestic violence related homicide victims were juveniles.

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