
Tuesday 18 June 2019

Former Grafton man terrorism trial date set for May 2020

The Daily Examiner, 15 June 2019, p.1:

The Australian man accused of the Christchurch mosque killings smiled as survivors of the shooting were told he would be pleading not guilty to 51 charges of murder and 40 of attempted murder.

Brenton Tarrant, 28, pleaded not guilty to all charges yesterday morning when he faced New Zealand’s High Court by video link. It means he will stand trial in May next year over the attack.

Dozens of survivors and family members of the victims packed the court to hear whether the man accused of the shootings would defend himself.

Some were visibly nervous during the hearing. Others were in tears. They reacted in shock when the not guilty pleas were made.

Two further courts and some 200 seats were set aside for the public, with police maintaining a heavy presence through the building.

Tarrant is facing a terror charge, 51 counts of murder and 40 of attempted murder over the March 15 attacks on worshippers at two mosques.

Tarrant was not in the courtroom but was shown via video from Paremoremo Prison in Auckland wearing a grey sweatshirt.

This is the accused’s first hearing since early April.

The terror charge against Tarrant, laid last month, is the first in New Zealand and legal experts say it could potentially lead to a complex trial.

But Christchurch’s Muslim community has welcomed the decision by prosecutors to acknowledge the attacks as an act of terrorism.

Tarrant was remanded in custody to face a review hearing on August 16.

He is being held in New Zealand’s only maximum security jail and prison staff say he has no access to television, radio, newspapers or visitors.

The courts last week dropped a ban on local media publishing pictures of the former Grafton resident’s face.

At Tarrant’s last appearance, the court ordered he undertake a mental health assessment to see if he was fit to stand trial.

A trial date has been set for May 4 [2020] which was confirmed by Justice Cameron Mander…..

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