
Thursday 4 July 2019

Who is this person?


 * was born in New York

 * delivered the keynote address at a Melbourne Writers Festival

 * has written fiction

 * has written biography

 * has written about history

 * has been known to shoot 'self in the foot

 * has been a big city's mayor

 * says writing romantic fiction could be on his/her agenda

 * hopes to get a big promotion in the very near future

* is not backward in coming forward

* was given Alexander or Alexandra as his/her first given name

* might use the pen name Rosie M. Banks for future books

Think you know?

The answer will be revealed tomorrow.

1. Thanks to my mate Elwyn for giving a heads up on this.
2. The source for the information contained in this quiz will be provided tomorrow.


  1. Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson

  2. Anonymous, you're 100% correct. Go to the top of the class.


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