
Thursday 22 August 2019

One hundred & thirty-three dog attacks have been recorded in Clarence Valley so far in 2019

The Daily Examiner, 20 August 2019, p.6: 

There have been 133 recorded dog attacks across the Clarence Valley this year, with most of the attacks avoidable.

In an attempt to curb the problem, Clarence Valley Council has released a brochure to inform dog owners of their responsibilities.

Council regulatory services supervisor Tim Brenton said if people had taken two simple steps most of this year’s dog attacks could have been avoided. 

The first was to make sure dogs were always on a lead when being taken for a walk and the second was to ensure yards were properly fenced. 

“The seriousness of the attacks varied, but these were the common threads,” Mr Brenton said. “Unless they are in an off-leash area, dogs must be on a leash if they are outside their property. 

“Dog owners need to take all reasonable steps to ensure their dog is confined to the property where it is kept.” 

The brochure, called Take the Lead, will be distributed widely around the Clarence Valley and available at the council’s customer service centres in Grafton and Maclean. 

“Having a dog is wonderful,” Mr Brenton said. “But having a dog comes with responsibilities and this brochure aims to make people aware of those.” 

The brochure also contains a list of off-leash areas around the Clarence Valley and some of the penalties that apply for breaches of the Companion Animals Act.

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