
Wednesday 11 December 2019

What a backburn looked like in one section of a northern NSW mega fire, 8 December 2019:

2:26 pm December 8, 2019 

Photo perfectly captures firefighters' bravery 

Ally Foster 

A photo of three firefighters battling a blaze in NSW's north has earned praise from hundreds of social media users.
The picture shows National Parks and Wildlife Service fire fighters Matt McClelland, Ray Dayman and George Barrott-Brown working to backburn a fire in Washpool, near Grafton.

The men appear to be surrounded by flames as they face the blaze in front of them.

"Back burns are conducted as part of fire containment strategies, at the direction of the incident controller," the National Parks and Wildlife Service wrote on Facebook.
Picture: Kyle Gibson 
"While the photo gives the impression they are surrounded by fire, they are highly trained staff, working within safer burnt ground, with a clear path of retreat."
The incredible photo gained hundreds of comments, with many people thanking the men for their bravery.
"Just looks so overwhelming. You all do an amazing job, putting your own lives on the line to keep everyone else safe," one person said.
"You are all incredible and brave. Thanks for all your efforts," another wrote.
One added: "This photo taken by Kyle Gibson of a fire near Grafton NSW gets me choked up. The bravery of firefighters is unmeasurable."

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