
Sunday 22 March 2020

A word from the NSW Northern Local Health District.......

TheDaily Examiner, 18 March 2020:

THE Northern NSW Local Health District boss says the group is working with North Coast Primary Health Network to ensure the region has an appropriate and effective response to Covid-19 (coronavirus).

Chief executive Wayne Jones said this included regular daily briefings at a state and local level, sharing information with primary health providers, providing advice on testing and monitoring, and working with Queensland Health.

Covid-19/flu clinics are established at Lismore Base Hospital and The Tweed Hospital, for those with respiratory symptoms or fever and who were at risk of Covid-19, such as those in contact with a Covid-19 case, or those who had returned from overseas in the 14 days before the onset of symptoms.

The clinics are open from 10am to 6pm seven days a week.

People do not need to call ahead to attend these clinics, but if attending an Emergency Department outside these hours, or attending a GP, are asked to phone ahead, or discuss symptoms with healthdirect on 1800 022 222.

A spokeswoman said anyone with acute symptoms could present to an ED and alert staff on arrival.

As with other public hospitals in NSW, we are arranging to double the ICU capacity in hospitals in Northern NSW and to prepare for a significant increase in respiratory presentations to Emergency Departments,” Mr Jones said.

All our facilities are planning for a potential increase in presentations of people with respiratory illness over the coming weeks and months, and we’re working with NSW Health to maximise available critical care resources.

We have not cancelled elective surgery, but are reviewing the need to bring some cases forward, particularly those which may require Intensive Care support, in light of the expected increase in demand for ICU services in the coming weeks…...

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