
Monday 13 July 2020

Scott Morrison admits to being on holiday on the day an elderly Victorian man died from COVID-19 infection

Sometime around 5 July 2020 Australian Prime Minister & MP for Cook Scott Morrison began a planned fortnight's holiday.

Like his holiday trip to Hawaii during some of the worst days of the 2019-20 bushfire season, he did not announce his plans.

Indeed this time he went to some lengths to disguise his absence by doing a phone interview on 2GB radio which was aired in the early evening of 6 July.

However, as press releases are a poor substitute he had to return to Canberra and show his face on 9 July because social media had begun to comment negatively on his absence.

On 10 July he again fronted the media where he admitted that he will be at his holiday retreat for the next week and will conduct any government business from there via phone, email or video conferencing.

This two-day return to work over he went back to "Jenny and the girls".

On 11 July now he was openly holidaying he decided to attend a football match at Kogarah, where he didn't wear a mask or practice social distancing but did scoff a beer or two or three or......

Something which I'm sure impressed those living south of the Murray River - especially the millions of Melburnians suddenly in COVID-19 lockdown due to a surge in infection numbers, as well as the familes of an elderly Victorian man in his 90s who died sometime on 10 July and a Victorian man in his 70s who died sometime during the night of 11 July after succumbing to this serious disease.

Morrison returns to Canberra at the end of this week ahead of the government's update on the economic and fiscal outlook on Thursday, 23 July 2020. On that Thursday he is also expected to announce how many people will be losing the JobKeeper wage subsidy by the end of September.

* Images found on Twitter,  Daily Mail Online @rami_ykmour

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