
Friday 24 July 2020

Scott Morrison decides to cancel Australian Parliament sittings until 4 August 2020

In November 2017 then Australian Prime Minister & Liberal MP for Wentworth Malcolm Bligh Turnbull cancelled House of Representatives sittings for thirteen days after his government lost its majority in the lower house.

Right from the start the politician who knifed him in the back to get his job decided to go further.
Image found on Twitter
Current Australian Prime Minister & Liberal MP for Cook Scott John Morrison (left) began and continues his prime ministership in almost constant electioneering rather than governing the country and, now goes even further by suspending the entire Australian Parliament at every opportunity.

The latest cancellation was announced on 18 July 2020.

From 24 August 2018 when he took office to 31 December that year federal parliament sat for 33 out of 129 days (including budget estimates sittings), in 2019 in sat for 61 out of 365 days (including budget estimates sittings) and to date in 2020 the Australian Parliament has sat for 28 out of 205 days and will not return to Canberra until 4 August 2020.

The reason given by Morrison for the low number of sitting days in 2020 is the risk of COVID-19 infection for members of parliament and staff.

He remains firm in protecting himself from infection at the same time that he is constantly urging others to return to school, return to the workplace, open up their businesses and states to keep their borders open.

The double standard he displays has been noticed and now added to the forty-two derogatory nicknames he has already accquired on social media is added another one - #JobShirker.

The fact that Morrison enjoys frequent unannounced holidays only reinforces the new choice in nicknames.

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