
Monday 7 September 2020

Australia 2020: a federation doggerel

"Not everyone has to get on the bus for the bus to leave the 

station. But it is important the bus leaves the station",

There were 8 on the bus when Scotty said

Stay with me, but Westralia said no, feck you & they fell 


There were 7 on the bus when Territorians decided they 

didn’t want to travel,

There were 6 on the bus & Anastasia said, Roll over? Never!

so Queensland tumbled through the door,

There were 5 on the bus but it got too hot in spots &

the Wheatfielders & Victorians decided to jump,

There were 2 on the bus when its wheels fell off …. 

Meet COAG mark 2.

With acknowledgement to Costin Heaps who started this turn at doggerel history

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