
Sunday 11 October 2020

Feral chickens running wild at Lookout Hill, Maclean

Let's not make a habit of this in the Clarence Valley.....

The Daily Telegraph, 1 October 2020:

A wild population of feral chickens that have been dumped on Lookout Hill are causing havoc in Maclean, with Clarence Valley Council urging residents not to dump unwanted pets in bushland.

The population of fowls on Lookout Hill are hampering the efforts of the Maclean Landcare Group who have worked tirelessly to rehabilitate the area by scratching out the native vegetation and exposing the fragile soil to the elements.

Council’s manager of environment, development and strategic planning, Adam Cameron, said there had been a recent spate of poultry dumping in the Clarence Valley.

Anyone who has unwanted poultry also has a responsibility to deal with them. If you are unsure what your options are, the RSPCA will be able to help you,” he said.

Mr Cameron emphasised that letting birds go into the wild was not the ethical choice.

Not only do they become a potential problem for other members of the community and the environment, but domesticated birds will also face a cruel end when left to fend for themselves,” he said…..

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