
Thursday 5 November 2020

AUSTRALIA: the 13th Climate of the Nation annual research report was published in October 2020

The Australia Institute released its Climate of the Nation 2020 annual research report this month.

This is the third year the Institute has published this research, the ten years previous to 2018 the survey was published by the Climate Institute.

The quantitative survey was conducted on the YouGov Galaxy Online Omnibus between 14 July and 22 July 2020 and the sample comprised 1,998 Australians aged 18 years and older distributed throughout Australia.

While the qualitative survey comprised of four online focus groups were carried out on 31 August and 1 September 2020. The groups were conducted over Zoom with 21 participants in total. The target group was female swing voters from the federal electorates of Lindsay and Macquarie in NSW, and Lilley and Petrie in Queensland who believe in human caused climate change.

Key Findings In "Climate of the Nation 2020":

80% of Australians think we are already experiencing the impact of climate change

82% of Australians are concerned that climate change will result in more bushfires

83% of Australians support a phase-out of coalfired power stations

79% of Australians rank solar in their top three preferred energy sources

40x is the factor by which Australians overestimate gas industry employment

45x is the factor by which Australians overestimate the oil and gas industry’s contribution to Commonwealth revenue

65% of Australians support the introduction of a levy on Australia’s fossil fuel exports to help pay for climate disasters

65% of Australians think the Australian Government should stop new coal mines

71% think Australia should be a world leader in finding solutions to climate change

72% of Australians believe mining companies should be liable for any land or water contamination caused by fracking

74% of Australians believe governments should plan to phase out coal mining and transition to other industries

68% of Australians support a national target for net zero emissions by 2050

77% of Australians agree tackling climate change creates opportunities in clean energy for new jobs and investment

75% of Australians would consider reducing electricity during times of high demand if they were paid to do so

12% of Australians would prefer Australia’s economic recovery to be primarily powered by gas, compared to 59% who prefer it to be powered by investment in renewables

The Australia Institute: Climate of the Nation 2020 research report by clarencegirl on Scribd

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