
Wednesday 18 November 2020

November 2020 was a month for discovering more Liberal politicians behaving badly


In 2012 Victoria Liberal MP David Southwick (left) was forced to apologised for misleading personal information on his website, including false claims he was an "adjunct professor" at RMIT and had obtained a graduate diploma from Monash University. In November 2020 he or someone connected with him was allegedly caught out again attempting to manipulate Facebook using bogus accounts.

Very much married federal Acting Immigration Minister and Liberal MP for Acton Alan Tudge (left) publicly apologised for having an intimate relationship with his then media advisor in 2017 after he was ‘outed’ on national television in November 2020.

That same television program revealed Australian Attorney-General & Liberal MP for Pearce Christian Porter (left) as a rather unlovely person with unacceptable attitudes to women.

In the midst of media discussions about intimate relationships between parliamentarians and staffers during November 2020, NSW Liberal Minister for Skills and Tertiary Education Geoffrey Lee (left) 
admitted he was in a relationship with his former media advisor.

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