Saturday 27 February 2021

Quotes of the Week


You withhold? That's a choice. I know journalism, I know editing, I know publishing, and I fucking *see* you. You've chosen a side and will not even *seek* the truth.”  [Richard Chirgwin, on the subject of Australian journalism and the Canberra Press Gallery, Twitter, 24 February 2021]

My shirt is not an invitation to rape me. My dress is not an invitation to follow me home. My strappy singlet is not the reason you lost your job. My body is not responsible for your behaviour. [Columnist & standup comedian Mandy Nolan writing in the Echo NetDaily, 16 February 2021]

The News Media Bargaining Code is a small-minded move that will only further cement what the backward NBN began: a smaller, less informed, more conservative and less democratic Australia. A Murdoch backwater, with no way out.”  [Managing editor Michelle Pini, writing in Independent Australia on 24 February 2021]

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