
Wednesday 31 March 2021

NSW Labor's Janelle Saffin MLA sends Easter Greetings


Office NSW Labor MLA for Lismore, Janelle Saffin, 29 March 2021:

Janelle wishes constituents a safe, enjoyable Easter break

TWO years after being declared State Member for Lismore, Janelle Saffin has thanked all constituents for the honour of representing them and wished everyone a safe and enjoyable Easter break with loved ones and friends.

Ms Saffin said local communities across our Electorate of Lismore were still recovering from the unprecedented challenges of drought, bushfires, floods and COVID-19 -- a perfect storm of natural disasters and a global pandemic.

We have faced the most trying of times since the two World Wars and the Great Depression and we have supported each other to come through this, exemplifying the resilience country people are known for,” Ms Saffin said.

I regard Parliamentary representation as a calling and approach being a State MP with the same drive and energy as I did as Federal Member for Page for six years and as a Member of the Legislative Council (MLC) for eight years.

I use my Parliamentary and life experience to help my constituents and their families, community, sporting, arts and cultural groups, businesses and industries, and local councils, to tackle difficult issues, and try to get resolutions wherever possible.

I also work to ensure that our precious natural environment, our river catchments and national icons like the koala, are afforded adequate protections so that they can be enjoyed by future generations.

I will continue to strongly advocate for local communities in the Electorate of Lismore to get our fair share of NSW Government funding and support, particularly as we navigate the new normal of COVID-19.”

Ms Saffin urged people to contact her Electorate Office for assistance in person at 55 Carrington Street, Lismore; by telephone on 0266 213 624 or via email –

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