
Monday 15 March 2021

Saffin shows solidarity with local March 4 Justice rallies

Office of the NSW Labor Member for Lismore, media release, 15 March 2021:

Statement by State Member for Lismore Janelle Saffin in support of March 4 Justice rallies across the Northern Rivers and Australia:

Today we March 4 Justice, justice for women which makes for a just society.

Today I thank Grace Tame and Brittany Higgins.

They have both spoken out with a roar that has brought us out of our stupor, forcing us to challenge behaviour that does not treat women as equal.

Equality would deliver justice.

Equality would stamp out predatory behaviour, and that would stamp out rape.

However, at the current rate of change it will take 100 years.

We cannot wait 100 years.

We should not have to endure one more sexual assault, one more sexual harassment, one more sexual act of discrimination.

I am travelling to Parliament and will miss our local March in Lismore and the Sydney March as well, but I commit to take up the March 4 Justice call to action.

I commit to march with you in the halls of Parliament, taking the voices of all into the caucus rooms, onto the floor of the Parliament in debate, and to make the legislative and policy changes that will bring justice for women.

The Prime Minister Scott Morrison seems tone deaf to the current conversation, claiming that he is protecting the ‘rule of law’.

The rule of law was not violated when the sexual harassment allegations against Justice Dyson Heydon were subjected to a High Court-instigated inquiry.

And the rule of law would not be violated if the Prime Minister instigated an inquiry into allegations against Attorney-General Christian Porter.

I know what the rule of law is.

I wrote 18 teaching modules on the rule of law.

I taught the rule of law.

The rule of law requires due process, and importantly, also accountability – accountability that is not being afforded here.

I entered public life to make the world a better place for all, beginning in my own backyard; to change behaviour through the political system through policy and law.

I recommit to work with you and for you to realise justice for women, starting with the 10 demands.

For more information go to


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