
Thursday 22 April 2021

Former NSW Minister & Liberal MLA John Sidoti due to give evidence at ICAC public hearing again today

Yesterday 21 April 2021 was Day 16 of NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) public hearings in the investigation into allegations concerning Liberal MLA for Drummoyne, John Sidoiti (left), who stood down as state Minister for Sport, Multiculturalism, Seniors and Veterans on 3 March 2021 and is currently sitting on the crossbenches as an Independent while the investigation continues.

Sidoti who has been a government member of the NSW Legislative Assembly for the last 10 years is giving evidence before the Operation Witney Public Inquiry again today.

Sidoti was referred to ICAC in September 2019. At that time on his Disclosures By Members form he listed in six properties as co-owned with his wife and another in which he held a 10 per cent interest reportedly valued at 11.5 million. The Sidoti family property portfolio is said to have a potential value of $41.4 million. On 24 October 2019 the Daily Telegraph reported that he had updated his disclosure form to add another property in which he had an interest.

Transcripts of inquiry proceeding to date can be found at:


NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC), media release, 26 March 2021:

MEDIA ALERT: Public inquiry into allegations concerning John Sidoti MP starts Monday

The NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption’s (ICAC) Operation Witney public inquiry into allegations concerning the State Member for Drummoyne, John Sidoti MP, will start next Monday, 29 March 2021 at 10:00 am.

The Commission is investigating allegations that, between 26 March 2011 and 6 February 2018, Mr Sidoti improperly influenced another person, or persons, to dishonestly or partially exercise any of their official functions in respect of: advancing amendments to development controls affecting land between Second Avenue and Barnstaple Road on Waterview Street, Five Dock; and/or any rezoning of the land and/or any proposals to develop the land situated at 120, 122 and 124 Great North Road, Five Dock, and 2 Second Avenue, Five Dock.

The Commission is also examining whether, between 30 June 2011 and 30 June 2019, Mr Sidoti engaged in a breach of public trust by failing to make a number of pecuniary interest disclosures contrary to his obligations to do so under the Constitution (Disclosures by Members) Regulation 1983, the NSW Parliament Code of Conduct for Members and the Ministerial Code of Conduct.

As the ICAC is committed to maintaining a COVID-safe workplace, and has limited space to be able to adequately accommodate members of the media and the public, the Commission’s premises will not be open to members of the media and the public for the public inquiry. However, a pool camera and sound operator will be permitted to film and record the opening address (see the media guidelines for more information).

The Commission will live stream the proceedings via its website, and will post exhibits (provided they are not subject to non-publication orders), transcripts and witness lists. Updates will also be provided via the ICAC Twitter account (@nswicac).

ICAC Chief Commissioner the Hon Peter Hall QC will preside at the public inquiry, which is expected to continue for four weeks. Counsel Assisting the Commission will be Rob Ranken of Counsel.

A witness list for the first week is attached. Please note that witness lists are subject to change. For further information, please refer to the Operation Witney public inquiry media guidelines.

Credit: John Sidoti image at top of this post was found at ABC News, 21 April 2021.

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