
Friday 7 May 2021

Clarence Valley community firm in its resistance to mining in the Clarence River catchment area - over 10,000 strong petition on its way to NSW Parliament today

Upper Clarence River catchment in flood, March 2021
It is in steep country such as this that Deputy Premier John Barilaro and the NSW Nationals want to establish mining ventures & associated unstable mining waste hillside tailing dams.
IMAGE: The Daily Telegraph

Clarence Catchment Alliance, media release, 5 May 2021:

The Clarence community and the Clarence Catchment Alliance's fight to stop mining in the water catchment gets a big leap forward on Friday the 7th May.

Standing beside the Clarence River, at the Lawrence Hall, at 3 PM this Friday, NSW Legislative Council Member the Hon Catherine Cusack will receive the Alliance's petition of well over 10,000 signatures against mining. She will subsequently present the petition to the NSW Legislative Council for debate in Parliament.

The petition calls for a to stop exploration and new mineral mining in the Clarence water catchment. Australian and international evidence proves that mineral mining besides waterways has a horrific track record. The chemicals used in the process as well as acidic tailings in high rainfall areas pollute waterways.

The Clarence Catchment provides drinking water for the Valley and neighbouring shires, as well as water for the agricultural, pastoral, fishing industries, and tourism. Our rivers and waterways are home to endangered species, unique ecology and are of high spiritual and cultural significance to local Traditional Owners.

Getting the 10,000 plus signatures has been a two year undertaking by volunteers of the Clarence Catchment Alliance, which is a non-political community organization, and their supporters.

In recent months, the Clarence Valley Council has passed two motions against mining, which gives parliament a precedent for action.

Last year, Ms Cusack crossed the floor in parliament in favour of the protection of koalas and their habitat.

The Clarence Catchment Alliance will present Ms Cusack with the petition on Friday with the Mayor and respected community leaders in attendance.

For more information please follow this link:

Shae Fleming and Elizabeth Parker

Campaign Coordinators

Clarence Catchment Alliance


PO Box 4089, Lawrence, NSW 2460

For more information on our campaign please visit


Instagram: @nominesclarencevalley

Facebook: Clarence Catchment Alliance


Soundcloud: CCA Clarence Valley

I acknowledge and respect the traditional custodians of the lands on which we live the Bundjalung, Gumbaynggirr, and Yaegl nations.


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