
Friday 18 June 2021

Thus far in 2021 Australia appears to be averaging one woman dying a violent death at the hand of another person every 8.73 days


As of 15 June Destroy The Joint's Counting Dead Women project has recorded 19 women violently killed in 2021.

This project relies on media reports for its data and at the moment these 2021 reports show that violent deaths are averaging one every 8.73 days.

On 9 July 2020 the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) released Recorded Crime - Victims, Australia covering the calendar year 2019, with data based on police records. 
This is the latest release available to date. ABS data for 2020 should be released on or about 24 June 2021.

In 2019 there were 416 homicides, manslaughters and attempted murders recorded in Australia. Up 39 victims on 2018 figures.

An est. 125 of these victims were female and the majority of the violent deaths and near deaths appear to have been the result of family and domestic violence.

In that same calendar year Counting Dead Women recorded 61 women who died violently at the hands of another person..

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