
Sunday 13 June 2021

Under a future Labor federal government the Indue Cashless Debit Card (aka Cashless Welfare Card) will be scrapped

IMAGE: Inbox News
NBN News, 10 June 2021:

Federal member for Richmond, Justine Elliot, has declared she will not be silenced, after her office allegedly received a call from a senior government staffer, demanding she remove a Facebook post claiming pensioners will be forced onto the cashless welfare card.

The Labor MP says the post will not be taken down – adding under a future Labor government the controversial card would be scrapped.

Minister for Social Services, Anne Ruston, has fired back – ruling out ever requiring aged pensioners to use the card.


Combined Pensioners & Superannuants Association, 28 October 2020, article excerpt:

CPSA is very concerned that CDC is going to be rolled out gradually to everyone on a Centrelink payment. There are several dead give-aways for this.

First, the current Minister for Social Services was reported as saying that for CDC “to be a mainstream financial literacy tool for Australia it does need to be rolled out away from just rural and regional communities, and that’s the conversation we need to have with the Australian public…”. She added: “It does need to have a broader application than perhaps the social harm reduction that the original policy was designed on”.

A letter by CPSA asking the Minister for Social Services to specifically rule out extending Income Management to Age Pensioners has received no response.

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