
Tuesday 13 July 2021

Australian Liberal Prime Minister Scott Morrison's inept handling of the COVID-19 vaccine supply contracts revealed, as business turns to former Labor prime minister Rudd for assistance


Letter dated 30 June 2021 concerning Pfizer vaccine supply - from former Australian Prime Minister Kevin Ru... by clarencegirl on Scribd

The New Daily, 12 July 2021:

The ABC, which obtained a copy of the letter, reports that Mr Rudd stepped in after a senior Australian business figure living in the USA held two meetings with Pfizer because he was despairing of the Coalition government’s vaccine supplies.

The ABC reports that senior Pfizer executives had been astonished that Mr Morrison had not directly spoken to the Pfizer chairman and suggested that Mr Rudd — who was known to them because of his work in the United States — may have some influence.

If it was possible for Pfizer to accelerate the doses, Mr Bourla indicated they would need a contractual request from the Australian government, Mr Rudd’s letter states…..

Nine days after Mr Rudd’s Zoom meeting [with Mr. Bourla], Mr Morrison announced on Friday [9 July 2021] that Australia’s Pfizer doses would be brought forward, with 1 million jabs per week starting in July......

Immediately after the media reports began to circulate on 12 July 2021 Australian Minister for Health and Aged Care & Liberal MP for Flinders Greg Hunt began issuing denials that Mr. Rudd had any involvement in the contractual delivery schedule of Pfizer COMIRNATY BNT162b2 (mRNA) doses to Australia being accelerated.

However the letter of 30 June clearly indicates that Rudd had earlier proactively contacted Pfizer and that Pfizer would be amenable to being contacted further in relation to the supply schedule by the Morrison Government, its contractual partner.

The letter also indicates that prior to the 30 June letter being sent Rudd personally contacted Prime Minister Morrison informing him of the initial contact with Pfizer.

In my opinion the contents of Rudd's letter are more credible than deflective statements made by Minister Hunt.

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