
Tuesday 20 July 2021

NSW Police cracking down on non-compliance with public health order in Northern Rivers region

Echo Net Daily, 19 July 2021: 

Tweed-Byron police fined a 25-year-old Main Arm man $1,000 for breaching state public health orders over the weekend.

Byron Inspector Matt Kehoe said the man hosted a ‘large party’ at his property in defiance of orders limiting household guests in the region to five while concerns over Covid 19 outbreaks in Greater Sydney continued.

Inspector Kehoe said police were continuing to enforce compliance throughout the region and to engage with health authorities.

Police investigating Sydneysider’s illegal Tweed Shire visit

A 46-year-old Sydney woman was self-isolating in the Tweed Shire for fourteen days after breaching stay-at-home orders to visit, Inspector Kehoe said.

She was now complying with public health orders and police were still investigating the matter, the inspector said.

Officers also charged a 48-year-old Tweed Shire man $200 for refusing to wear a mask when visiting the Tweed Heads Police Station over the weekend.

Inspector Kehoe said police stations were under the same rules as businesses and other workplaces, in that anyone entering the buildings had to wear masks unless officially exempted and had to register via QR codes at point of entry.

He said the accused man refused to comply with the orders but didn’t have exemption.

Op-shop volunteers encouraged to report abuse

The police reports on public health order compliance in the region came after volunteers at an Anglicare op shop in Byron Bay said they were shutting shop doors due to abuse from customers who didn’t want to wear masks.

The story had attracted hundreds of comments in local social media forums by Monday morning and Inspector Kehoe said he encouraged the volunteers to report the incidents to police.

I understand some elderly ladies received some abuse and that’s very disappointing,’ he told The Echo.....

Read the full article here.

Yesterday afternoon UK hard right 'media personality' Katie Hopkins was deported from Australia via Sydney International Airport for breaching the NSW Public Health Order.

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