
Tuesday 17 August 2021

Vaccination rates in NSW and along North Coast


ABC News, 13 February 2021:

Vaccination rates in NSW are soaring as a growing number of regions go into lockdown and the state continues to battle the highly infectious Delta COVID-19 variant, data analysis shows.

The number of daily doses of vaccine administered in NSW accelerated from around 66,000 on average per day at the start of August to nearly 80,000 a day this week, according to Department of Health data.

Using the rate for second doses of vaccine administered, the data shows NSW will have 50 per cent of its adult population fully vaccinated by September 25.

That is second only to Tasmania, with its much smaller population set to reach that threshold just six days earlier.

Changes to the distribution of first and second doses — for example, by bringing forward or delaying second doses — could affect the dates targets are met….

Tasmania and NSW are leading the race to get their populations vaccinated

Date when proportions of adult population over 16 fully vaccinated

The Daily Telegraph, 13 August 2021:

With nearly 195,000 Covid-19 vaccine doses having been distributed, the Australian Government’s most recent geographic vaccination rates show more than 45 per cent of the eligible North Coast population has had one vaccine dose.

This compares to 46 per cent of the eligible NSW population and 44 per cent Australia-wide.

However, overall, the North Coast falls to 20 per cent having received their second dose, compared to 23 per cent in NSW and 22.5 per cent overall in Australia.

The Mid-North Coast keeps this figure high, with 21.6 per cent having had their second dose while the Clarence Valley lags at 17.8 per cent, almost five per cent under the national average.

As our statewide vaccination map shows however, across the region the vaccination rate has jumped at least three per cent in the last week alone.

Healthy North Coast Chief Executive Julie Sturgess said it was fantastic to see the Mid North Coast leading the region in vaccinations and encouraged people in all the areas to get the jab to protect themselves and the community.

Our second dose rate is a little bit lower than the NSW and national average, but it is increasing in line with supply availability,” she said.

It’s also in line with other regional areas in NSW. This may be because in outbreak areas like Sydney, second AstraZeneca doses are being brought forward, so people are getting them more quickly than here.

If you’ve had your first dose, please ensure you get your second for maximum protection.”.....

According to NSW Health as of 8pm on 15 August 2021 a total of 5,069,640 COVID-19 vaccine doses have been administered in NSW since the national vaccine rollout began on 22 February 2021.

An interactive map showing vaccination rates by NSW postcode is available at:

An interactive map showing showing locations, cases and tests at:

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