
Wednesday 15 September 2021

COVID-19 regional lockdown has been removed from the seven local government areas in northeast NSW but lessons learnt need to be included in planning for any future lockdowns

Echo NetDaily14 September 2020:

Around 8,000 free meals were given to a dramatically increased number of people needing them in Ballina over the lockdown period starting 9 August.

Organisers at the Rotary branch in Ballina, as well as volunteers for the Ballina Hot Meals service at Ballina’s Masonic Lodge and workers at the Cherry Street Sports Club have all described a rapid spike in people needing help to get by when work and revenue stopped for many in response to the lockdown.

Greens Member for Ballina Tamara Smith raised the alarm early in the lockdown on Bay FM after receiving a letter from the Rotary Club referring to single parents struggling to feed their families, women sleeping in their cars and elderly people needing help.

Many people reportedly lost work in Ballina when retail and hospitality outlets were forced to close or significantly reduce their productivity.

Ballina Hot Meals was offered twice per week, was overwhelmed with demand and in need of extra volunteers.

Ban on church gatherings impacts local homeless service

Ballina Hot Meals has served dinner to the homeless and others in need for more than twenty years but was threatened shortly after the pandemic declaration last year.

A local church had funded the service through money collected during services but ran out of money when in-person events were outlawed under public health orders.

A desperate call for help was issued and that’s where the Cherry Street Sports Club [CSSC] entered the scene.....

Mr Sheehan said the CSSC board last year ‘graciously committed to $25,000 per year for three years’ to get Ballina Hot Meals ‘back up and running and fully funded’.

More recently, Mr Sheehan said the board ‘graciously approved’ to pay club staff through this lockdown.

So we ramped up the kitchen again, and started preparing meals,’ he said.

Speaking last week, Mr Sheehan said club workers were ‘just about to hit the 6,000 meal mark’ since the ninth of August, and volunteers still serving dinner twice per week had given away around 2,000, with the food all funded by the club and in-kind donations.

So it’s definitely been needed, that’s for sure,’ Mr Sheehan said…..

Read the full story here.

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