Wednesday 13 October 2021

650 South Grafton Primary School children along with their teachers and support staff enter their fifth day of self-isolation as COVID-19 infection grows in the school community

"all will be given to those who strive"
approximate translation 

At 9am on Tuesday 5 October 2021 around 650 children from Kindergarten to Year 6, along with at least 31 teachers and numerous support staff, commenced Term 4 at the 154 year old split campus South Grafton Public School, under Level 3 (regional schools) COVID-19 settings.

At around 11am that same day, almost casually, NSW Health announced that 4 cases of locally acquired COVID-19 infection had been discovered in the Clarence Valley local government area. Thus ending its resident population's community transmission free status which began on or about 29 March 2020.

By Saturday 9 October the primary school was abruptly closed for contact tracing and cleaning when it was discovered that one member of the school community had tested positive for COVID-19.

Based on NSW Health advice, all staff and students were told to self-isolate until further notice and to be tested if they developed symptoms of viral infection.

On Monday 11 October when the NSW Government opened up the state in Stage 1 of its policy of easing COVID-19 public health order restrictions and allowing the population increased mobility, South Grafton Public School staff and the parents of those 650 students waited to get the all clear to return to school.

It was also on that Monday that the total number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 community transmission in the Clarence Valley – specifically in Grafton postcode 2460 – had reached 14 cases over the space of the 6 days since the Delta Variant Outbreak finally reached the local government area.

On Tuesday 12 October 2021 the primary school administration was informed that additional COVID-19 cases had been confirmed within the school community and further contact tracing and cleaning needed to be undertaken, so the school remained closed.

Regretfully, to be continued......

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