
Sunday 14 November 2021

Equivalent of 5 people a day are falling ill with COVID-19 in Northern NSW since NSW Premier Perrottet lifted public health order restrictions on travel into the region

By now North Coast Voices readers would be aware that 5 of the 7 local government areas in Northern NSW had been effectively COVID-19 free until after 13 September 2021 when the SARS-CoV-2 Delta Variant entered the region from Greater Sydney and community transmission began.

Up until then these 5 LGAs having only had overseas travellers and other visitors test positive to the virus before they left the area without infecting local residents. 

The 6th and 7th LGAs were the outliers – one recording two presumed locally acquired COVID-19 cases on the same day in July 2021 which did not lead to local infection spread and, the other recording three separate presumed locally acquired cases between March 2020 and June 2021 – again not leading to infection spread.  

With those exceptions, from 25 January 2020 up to that Monday morning in September 2021, the region had experienced no community transmission of the COVID-19 virus within a population of est. 307,047 men, women and children.

The global pandemic was seemingly passing by without calling in. Until Morrison and Berejiklian insisted that rural and regional communities should be forced to 'live with COVID' just as their metropolitan cousins did.

As of 8pm on Friday 12 November 2021 according to NSW Health there have been 171 confirmed COVID-19 cases in Northern NSW Local Health District in the 60 days since the Delta Variant Outbreak reached the region.  At least 170 of these confirmed cases were the result of community infection now within the region.

A total of 58 of these confirmed COVID-19 infections (33.91 per cent of all Northern NSW cases since 13 September 2021) have been recorded in the first 12 days since NSW Premier & Liberal MP for Epping Dominic Perrottet opened up Northern NSW to Greater Sydney, interstate & overseas travellers.

That figure is roughly equivalent to 5 people a day falling ill with COVID-19 since 1 November 2021.


Tweed Shire - 7 cases + 2 infections contracted elsewhere in NSW

Byron Bay - 7 cases + 2 confirmed infections within the LGA not entered into NNSWLHD records as these individuals were no longer in the region.

Ballina - 14 cases

Kyogle - 21 cases

Richmond Valley - 25 cases + 1 case confirmed on 10 Nov 2021 where infection was contracted overseas

Lismore City - 40 cases

Clarence Valley - 57 cases.

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