
Friday 11 February 2022

Will Richmond Valley be sending a local farmer and environmental lawyer to the NSW Legislative Council to replace The Greens outgoing David Shoebridge?

Sue Higginson is an environmental lawyer and dryland rice farmer on the Richmond Valley floodplain. As part of farming practice she protects core koala habitat in the area through regenerating habitat and biodiversity and planting thousands of trees.

Echo, 9 February 2022:

Dryland rice farmer Sue Higginson on her farm. Photo Julian Meehan.

A casual vacancy has arisen for the Greens in the NSW upper house, and Sue Higginson is hoping to take the place of the vacating David Shoebridge.

Shoebridge is the Greens’ lead Senate candidate in the upcoming Federal election – as soon as the election is announced, he says he will resign his seat in the NSW Legislative Council…..

Ms Higginson is an environmental lawyer, activist, and a tireless advocate for justice. For many years, she was the CEO and principal solicitor of the Environmental Defender’s Office (EDO), running the highest-profile environmental litigation in the country.

I’ve taken coal and mining giants to court – like Rio Tinto and Santos, Whitehaven, Adani – and I’ve won. I’ve taken governments to court for wrong decisions, and I’ve advised many MPs in NSW Parliament’, Ms Higginson says.

Planning experience

As a public interest planning lawyer, I have an intimate understanding of the planning system. Planning law impacts our lives in every way. It determines what can and can’t happen in your local environment. Our planning laws need a significant shake up to address climate change, and put the protection of the environment and the health of our communities first’.

I know what that planning law system looks like and I would love to be in a position to advocate for it.’

For over a decade, Ms Higginson says ‘the Liberals have run a destructive economic agenda, serving the elite, and leaving so many behind, while the Nationals have plundered, and continue to plunder, our environment – like there’s no tomorrow’.

I’ve seen firsthand how they set the rules to serve their corporate masters and their mining mates, their time’s coming to an end.’ …..

I will pick up where David left off. I’m an experienced lawyer with forensic skill and an insatiable appetite for justice. I have expertise across all of David’s portfolios.’

The ballot opens on February 9.

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