
Thursday 10 March 2022

The 43 seconds when without a moment's thought Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison betrayed the Widjabul Wia-bal people, the unique biodiverse & culturally significant Channon Gorge and the clear wishes of what appear to be a majority of Lismore residents

Listen to this part of Prime Minister Scott Morrison's question and answer segment at the end of his Wednesday 9 March 2022  press conference in Lismore in the NSW Northern River region. 

This is the sacred land, with gorge, watercourse, ancient stone burials and secret business places that Morrison supports destroying. The place where once the water is stopped from flowing freely will permanently inundate core endangered Koala habitat and eradicate endangered Eastern Freshwater Cod breeding habitat.

And for what? The proposed 50 gigalitre Dunoon Dam on Rocky Creek in a catchment area of roughly 50 sq km, even when combined with the existing 14 gigalitre dam on the same creek, would never mitigate or stop flooding of Lismore City and environs.   

I note that Morrison openly blames unspecified Northern Rivers residents who have "resisted" flood mitigation measures (hold all term which includes dams and levees) for the frequency and severity of flood events in recent years.

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