
Tuesday 24 May 2022

Australian Federal Election 2022: the House of Representatives provisional national seat count as at 8:57:46 PM AEST, Monday 23 May 2022

House of Representatives Party Representation - provisional/predictive tally as of  8:57:46 PM AEST, Monday 23 May 2022 

Australian Labor Party - 75 seats. A gain of 7 seats.

Liberal/National Coalition* - 59 seats. A loss of 18 seats.

*Coalition comprises the Liberal Party of Australia, Liberal National Party of Queensland, Country Liberal Party (NT) and the National Party of Australia. It was the Liberal Party of Australia whose seat count was decimated with a predicted 17 seat loss.

Independents - 10 seats. An increase of 7 seats.

The Greens - 2 seats. An increase of 1 seat.

Centre Alliance - 1 seat. No change.

Katter's Australian Party - 1 seat. No change.

3 seats, Macnamara (Vic), Maranoa (Qld) & Richmond (NSW) not yet officially assigned predicted party representation.

TOTAL 151 seats Page

NOTE: Polling place counts had not been completed in est. 40 electorates/seats as at 8:57:46 PM AEST, Monday 23 May 2022.

Of the two Northern Rivers electorates, Page has been retained by the National Party and it appears likely Richmond has been retained by the Labor Party.

Anthony Norman Albanese (Labor Party Leader) having secured guarantees of supply from crossbenchers Rebekha Sharkie, Helen Haines, Zali Steggall, Andrew Wilkie and Bob Katter in the event his party falls short of gaining a majority of 76 seats, was sworn in as the 31st Australian Prime Minister on Monday 23 May 2022, along with his interim ministry being:

Minister for Employment and Deputy Prime Minister - Richard Marles MP

Minister for Foreign Affairs - Senator Penny Wong

Treasurer - Dr Jim Chalmers MP

Minister for Finance, Minister for Women and Attorney-General - Senator Katy Gallagher

The interim ministry administers all departments until such time as a full ministry is sworn in.

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