
Sunday 26 June 2022

Northern Rivers waterways & beaches clean up continues post-February and March 2022 flooding

ABC News, 24 June 2022:

Barges bring flood debris to the riverbank for waste sorting. (ABC North Coast: Bronwyn Herbert)

From caravans to water tanks, children's toys to surfboards, tonnes of rubbish have been removed from rivers in the far north of New South Wales as part of a mammoth clean-up of flood debris…..

2,600 cubic metres of waste is removed from the Tweed, Wilsons and Richmond rivers and Ballina beaches…..

EPA flood program manager Martin Puddey said the survey showed priority areas.

"We can use that to target areas or identify if something is really hazardous like a big drum filled with pesticides, water tanks, pieces of jetty and pontoons, stuff that is partially submerged and could be a navigational hazard…..

Specialist marine contractor Frankie Bryant said her team had been concentrating for the past month on the Wilsons River near Lismore, which was at the centre of the natural disaster.

Ms Bryant said the larger items were often easier to remove, while the most challenging was plastic waste entangled in trees on the riverbank.

"We can actually sometimes get stuck in little areas where you just find me up pulling small pieces of plastic," she said.

The rubbish is collected on smaller boats then moved to skip bins on barges.

Cranes then lift the skips onto trucks to be taken to a nearby waste facility.

Larger waste is collected with excavators that are floated around the river on barges.

Ms Bryant said there was a huge effort made to try and return items wherever possible.

"I kind of wish everyone engraved their name on every piece of furniture or equipment so we could get it back to them."

For contractor John Fletcher, it has been, at times, an emotional experience wading through personal items.

"It's finding people's bags of shopping still full with a docket inside, or finding a kid's school bag with all their books in it," he said.

The EPA expects it will take another two months to complete the clean up, including using sonar technology to detect large, hazardous items lodged on the riverbed.

"You can't see them," Mr Puddey said.

"They're a huge risk to navigation and people's safety."


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