
Friday 27 January 2023

Less than 10 weeks out from a NSW state election and Perrottet & Co. don't seem to be winning over hearts and minds yet


The Poll Bludger, 22 January 2023:

Today’s Sunday Telegraph has a YouGov poll suggesting Labor is headed for a comfortable win at the New South Wales state election on March 25, leading the Coalition 56-44 on two-party preferred and 39% to 33% on the primary vote, with the Greens on 11% and others on 17%.

The poll also encompasses questions on the Dominic Perrotet Nazi costume scandal (67% say it won’t affect their vote, 20% say it will make them less likely to vote Coalition, and 8% demonstrate the problems with this sort of question by saying it makes them more likely to vote Coalition), cashless gaming cards (61% are in favour with 19% opposed), better party to deal with the cost of living (30% Labor, 25% Liberal, 26% neither) and issue salience (39% cost of living, 17% economy, 14% health, 10% each for housing affordability and environment). The poll was conducted January 14 to 17 from a sample of 1069.

Newcastle Herald, 23 January 2023, excerpt p.2:

The NSW government is on track to lose the March state election as Premier Dominic Perrottet's popularity wanes.

A YouGov poll shows the Coalition well behind in both first preference and two-party preferred standings.

Labor led the Coalition by 56 per cent to 44 per cent on a two-party preferred basis, while it was ahead by 39-33 per cent on first preferences…..

Both figures point to a parliamentary majority for Labor, which was buoyed in the poll by strong backing from young voters.

Support for Mr Perrottet also dropped, with only 44 per cent of those surveyed preferring him over Labor leader Chris Minns. But Mr Minns says he isn't paying attention to the latest poll as many voters remain undecided., 23 January 2023, excerpt:

On other topics, the poll found a majority of voters supported cashless gaming cards (61% in favour, 19% opposed). On the party best to deal with the cost of living, 30% selected Labor, 25% the Liberals, and 26% neither. Cost of living was rated the most important issue by 39%, far ahead of the 17% who rated the economy most important.

This YouGov poll found 46% of NSW voters supported a federal Indigenous Voice to Parliament, while 30% did not.

If these recent polls are accurate, the Coalition is likely to be defeated in March after three terms and 12 years in government. If this happens, Labor would govern federally and in all states and territories except Tasmania.

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