
Monday 30 January 2023

National Bird Week "Great Aussie Bird Count" 2022 results


 Over seven days in October 2022 - from Monday 17th to  Sunday 23rd - a total of 17,419 people participated in the annual Great Aussie Bird Count under the auspices by Birdlife Australia. Between them submitting 124,430 online check lists.

Despite record rains and flooding across much of Australia during National Bird Week the number of individual birds counted reached 3,913,281 across 620 species.


NSW : 1,222, 597 

Vic: 944,536

Qld: 789,156

SA: 382,586

WA: 289,740

Tas: 128,885

ACT: 80,898

NT: 72,915

External territories: 1,967.

Top 10 Birds Australia-wide : 1. Rainbow Lorikeet, 2. Noisy Miner, 3. Australian Magpie, 4. Sulphur-crested Cockatoo, 5. Galah, 6. House Sparrow, 7. Welcome Swallow, 8. Silver Gull, 9. Red Wattlebird, 10. Australian White Ibis.

Top 3 Birds by State or Territory: Qld Rainbow Lorikeet, Noisy Miner, Torresian Crow; NSW Rainbow Lorikeet, Noisy Miner, Sulphur-crested Cockatoo; ACT Sulphur-crested Cockatoo, Australian Magpie, Galah; Vic Rainbow Lorikeet, Australian Magpie, Noisy Miner; Tas House Sparrow, Common Blackbird, Common Starling; SA Rainbow Lorikeet, New Holland Honeyeater, Noisy Miner; WA Rainbow Lorikeet, New Holland Honeyeater, Galah; External Territories Red Junglefowl, White Tern, Great Frigatebird.


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