
Saturday 6 May 2023

A Letter to the Editor published four days before a certain coronation day


George Brandis' reference to the young Prince Charles' attending Timbertop reminded me of an episode recounted by a Uralla identity, formerly a maths master at Eton College.

Queen Elizabeth came to Eton one day to officially open a new building and our man had a brief chat with her afterwards, as one does. He asked: "Your Majesty, I've always been curious about your sending your son Charles to Timbertop in Australia. Her Maj replied: "Oh, well, we always thought Charles wasn't all that academically inclined." Our man responded: "Oh, don't worry, Your Majesty, we have some very stupid boys here at Eton." Evidently a frost descended as she moved on.

Kent Mayo, Uralla

[The Sydney Morning Herald, 2 May 2023, p.18]

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