
Sunday 23 July 2023

Coastal Emu numbers continue to dwindle in the Clarence Valley due vehicle strike and human population pressures


Coastal Emu attempting to cross Brooms Head roads in the Lower Clarence Valley, NSW. IMAGES: The Daily Telegraph, archival photographs

Clarence Valley Independent, 19 July 2023:

Residents of the Clarence Valley and visitors to the region are being asked to keep an eye out for critically endangered Coastal Emu’s on local roads following the recent death of an animal on Brooms Head Road.

Coastal Emus live between Evans Head and Corindi along the Northern NSW coast, with the population, believed to be less than 40 locally, stretching inland to the Bungawalbin wetlands.

Yuraygir National Park and Bungawalbin National Park remain the strongholds for the remaining Coastal Emu population in the region.

Due to this incident in late June, the Saving our Species program is reminding people travelling on Clarence Valley roads to remain vigilant and report any emu sightings, after 60 emus were killed by vehicles in the last 10 years.

The latest casualty…followed a suspected chick vehicle strike death in May.”

Despite this tragic incident, efforts have been made to prevent it happening again through the implementation of signage and reduced speed limits.

Ms Giese said Clarence Valley Council, Transport for NSW, Department of Planning and Environment and local community groups have worked together to reduce speed limits on Brooms Head Road, and clear signage is in place.

The speed reduction zone is located at an emu crossing corridor and road strike hotspot and is the same location where the emu was killed last week,” Ms Giese said.

I would also like to acknowledge the huge community effort that went into finding the injured emu and getting it to veterinary attention.”

Locals can help save the Coastal Emu population by reporting sightings of emus in the Clarence Valley to council’s online sightings register

If you own land where emus roam, installing emu friendly fencing can help save the species, and motorists are reminded to be on high alert for emus on local roads.

Coastal Emu family, Palmers Island Channel, Lower Clarence River, NSW. IMAGES: The Daily Telegraph & Daily Examiner, 2015, archival footage

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