
Saturday 28 October 2023

Analysing large scale heat maps appearing on social media seeking small scale information - an example


This interesting temperature anomaly map appeared on social media on the evening of 25 October 2023:

It was accompanied by an observation that "Today 41.0C at Grafton NSW beats its October monthly temperature record"

Unfortunately this remark leads to some confusion as there are two official "real time" weather stations covering the wider Grafton district and none within the boundaries of Grafton City.  

On 25 October 2023 the Australian Bureau of Meteorology recorded maximum air temperature at Grafton NSW as:

{Trenayr NSW weather station 058077 commenced 1917} 

Grafton Airport AWS – 39.7°C

{Glenugie NSW weather station 058161 commenced 1973}


The recorded maximum temperature at BOM’s research centre weather station on 25 October 2023 did exceed its previous highest recorded maximum temperature for the month of October which was 40.6°C in 2019
The recorded temperature at BOM’s airport weather station on the same day also exceeded the highest recorded maximum temperature in October for that site of 38.9°C in 2017 and, it is this weather station's real time recording which is the basis of daily temperature reporting for Grafton generally. 

The highest temperature recorded for what might be considered Grafton City itself was 39.3°C in October 1988, but as Station 058130 on corner of Oliver & Turf streets only operated between 1966 and 10 Jan 2015 this is of limited value for comparison with maximum temperature records over time.

As both BOM recording units are some distance from the city's main urban population, perhaps as a public service Clarence Valley Council might consider installing a real time recording unit in the park adjoining its Grafton council chambers or a digital temperature display below the Market Square clock.

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