
Friday 26 January 2024

Australia Day aka Invasion Day or Day of Mourning 2024: far right media and politicians making an increasingly ugly day even uglier

First it was verbal attacks on local government councils which intend to change how they celebrate Australia Day or hold their citizenship ceremonies on a January day other than the 26th or split their official and community activities over two days

Then the mainstream media, led by baying News Corp staff opinion writers and political commentators, looked about for other imaginary 'woke' enemies of the public holiday designated Australia Day.

Following an early January 2024 announcement by the Woolworths Group that while it sells Australian flags all year round it will not be stocking additional items for Australia Day due to a decrease in store sales in recent years, the meeja decided this announcement made its supermarkets a suitable target.

Opposition Leader and LNP Member for Dickson (Qld) Peter Dutton eagerly jumped on the bandwagon accusing the Woolworths Group and others of "peddling woke agendas" and calling for a boycott of all Woolies stores - with predictable response from those who voted "No" at the 'Voice' referendum.

An even more predictable response came from racist cranks and the 'cookers' amongst us.

Teneriffe store, inner Brisbane City Qld
IMAGE: 7 News, 16 January 2024

Cleveland Central store, south-east Brisbane Qld
IMAGE:  Herald-Sun, 16 January 2024

Woolworths Group, 24 January 2024:

A message from Woolworths CEO Brad Banducci to customers

Dear Customers,

Over the last two weeks, there's been much commentary in the media and we have had direct feedback from our customers and our team regarding our approach to selling Australia Day merchandise.

I have tried to read all customer complaints and team incident reports, and I’m writing this in the hope of clarifying our position and also asking everyone to treat our team with respect.

In terms of the Woolworths position:

As a proud Australian and New Zealand retailer, we aren’t trying to ‘cancel’ Australia Day. Rather, Woolworths is deeply proud of our place in providing the fresh food that brings Australians together every day. As evidenced during COVID or increasingly natural disasters such as what is currently unfolding with Cyclone Kirrily in Northern Queensland. Woolworths will always support Australians in the moments that matter.

In terms of merchandising - our commercial decision to not stock specific Australian Day general merchandise was made on the basis of steeply declining sales. The decision to stock this mostly imported merchandise has to be made almost 12 months in advance. So as a business decision, it doesn’t make commercial sense.

Rather than stocking imported Australian themed merchandise, Woolworths is focused on what we do best 365 days of the year – providing the best of Australian fresh food for Australia Day long weekend gatherings with family and friends and working hard to ensure we deliver great value.

There are many other ways in which we are supporting our customers and our team to celebrate Australia, such as acknowledging the best of Australian products in our stores and online and supporting our team to mark Australia Day with their local community.

As a first generation Australian who gratefully calls Australia home, I look forward to getting together with my family and I hope that you too spend Australia Day in your own way and cherish what it means to be Australian.

Brad Banducci

Woolworths CEO

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