
Friday 12 January 2024

International Court of Justice currently hearing South Africa's application for a provisional finding that the Government of Israel was and is committing acts of genocide against the Palestinian people within the Gaza Strip


IMAGE: ABC News, 12 January 2024


On Thursday 11 January 2024, at 8pm Australian Eastern Daylight Saving Time, the International Court of Justice began the first of two public hearings on the request for the indication of provisional measures submitted by South Africa in the case South Africa v. Israel.

The first hearing day of the full Court (comprising fifteen sitting judges & two ad hoc judges representing South Africa & Israel) was given over entirely to South Africa's evidence and argument.

What followed was almost three hours of detailed, frequently distressing and often very shocking evidence of the Government of Israel and its defence forces' strong desire and deliberate sustained intent to destroy the Palestinian people within the occupied Gaza Strip. Thus breaching the international universal prohibitions against genocide as found in the United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide

This is one video submitted in evidence:

I'm coming to occupy Gaza,

and beat Hezbolla.

I stick by one mitzvah,

to wipe off the seed of Amalek.

To wipe off the seed of Amalek.


I left home behind me,

won't come back until victory.

We know our slogan,

there are no uninvolved civilians.

There are no uninvolved civilians.


[Translation, Middle East Monitor, Instagram, 7 December 2023]

The entire hearing of 11 January can be viewed at: and

Today's public hearing, again beginning at 8pm Australian Eastern Daylight Saving Time, will see Israel put its rebuttal argument to the full Court.

This day's hearing can be viewed at:


Pleadings, oral arguments and documents in South Africa v. Israel will not be published until the conclusion of the case.

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