
Tuesday 30 January 2024

Two persistent fires in Yuraygir National Park under control


 Two bushfires have been burning in Yuraygir National Park on the Clarence Coast for well over a week now.

The largest which began in the Sandon River area now covers a fireground of at least 4,246ha.

The second at Lake Arragan  between Angourie and Brooms Head area has only covered 514ha to date. 

Both fires are under control and the current NSW Rural Fire Service advice for the Sandon River fire is set out below:

Advice: Sandon River Fire (Clarence Valley LGA) Monitor Conditions - Minnie Water, Diggers Camp, Wooli.

Posted: 28/01/2024 11:21

Firefighters have contained a fire burning to the east and north of Lake Hiawatha near the locations of Minnie Water, Diggers Camp to the north of Wooli township, and south of Sandon.

The fire has burnt more than 4,010ha and is contained.

Current Situation

The fire has burnt to the north of Wooli and to the north and west of Minnie Water.

Crews undertook backburning operations yesterday along the northern side of Diggers Camp Road and south west of the Minnie Water village.

Rain fell across parts of the fireground yesterday evening and overnight, further easing conditions, with minimal fire activity today.

National Parks and Wildlife crews assisted by RFS crews will continue to black out, mop up and continue to strengthen containment lines today.

A number of campgrounds in the area have been closed and people planning to visit camp grounds in the Diggers Camp area are advised to use alternate campgrounds.

Monitor conditions and stay up to date in case the situation changes. Know what you will do if the situation changes.

Minnie Water – Monitor Conditions

Firefighters conducted backburning operations yesterday south west of Minnie Water village. Crews will continue to strengthen containment lines today.

The fire continues to burn to the south west of the Minnie Water village between Lake Hiawatha and the coast.

Diggers Camp – Monitor Conditions

The fire is burning to the west of Diggers Camp between south of Lake Hiawatha and the coast.

Backburning operations were undertaken yesterday along the northern side of Diggers Camp Road. Crews will continue to mop up and patrol this area today.

People in the area are advised to monitor the situation and know what they will do if conditions change.

Wooli – Monitor Conditions

While the fire remains to the north of the Wooli village. People in the area are advised to monitor the situation and know what they will do if the situation changes.

What you need to do

  • People in the Minnie Water, Diggers Camp, and Wooli areas stay alert and monitor your surroundings.

  • Watch out for emergency services personnel and follow their directions.

  • This means looking out for burning embers, changes in wind direction and smoke. Watch for signs of fire in your area.

  • Know what you will do if the fire impacts on where you are. Identify a safer location in case the situation changes. This may include a well cleared area or a solid structure such as a home.

  • If you are not prepared to the highest level, leaving early is the safest option.

If you are threatened by fire

  • If the fire impacts, seek shelter in a solid structure such as a house to protect yourself from the heat of the fire.

  • Bring pets indoors and restrain them, close all doors and windows and turn off air conditioners, keep water running if possible.

  • Shelter in a room on the other side of the building from the approaching fire, and one that has water and a clear exit out of the house.

  • Monitor both inside and outside for small fires and burning embers and turn sprinklers on if you have them.

  • Be careful outdoors after the fire has passed as trees can be unstable and fall.

  • If your life is at risk, call Triple Zero (000). 

There are currently no total fires bans in the Northern Rivers region.

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