
Monday 26 February 2024

A little bit about the second set of International Court of Justice hearings in 2024 concerning 'The Question of Palestine'

Because The Question of Palestine, the nature of political and diplomatic processes undertaken to resolve this 76 year-old question — in order that Palestine is recognised under international law as a sovereign state whose citizens enjoy the full range of humanitarian and political rights and protections — will in large measure define the status and gravitas accorded to the United Nations going forward by nation states as the world moves further into an epoch of climatic, geo-political and social disruption, it does no harm to be watchful as events unfold. 

Additionally, mainstream media coverage has been rather limited in Australia concerning legal deliberations relating to Palestine since the International Court of Justice Order of 26 January 2024 and the Australian Government has been noticeable by its silence on the most recent hearings.

So here is a basic record of what occurred after the United Nation General Assembly's 12 page Request for an Advisory Opinion pursuant to General Assembly resolution 77/247 of 30 December 2022, with regard to Legal Consequences Arising From The Policies And Practices Of Israel In The Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including East Jerusalem, began six days of public hearings on Monday 19 February 2024, at 10 a.m. at the Peace Palace, with President Salam presiding.

The Court was asked to render an opinion on the following basis:

considering the rules and principles of international law, including the Charter of the United Nations, international humanitarian law, international human rights law, relevant resolutions of the Security Council, the General Assembly and the Human Rights Council, and the advisory opinion of the Court of 9 July 2004:

(a) What are the legal consequences arising from the ongoing violation by Israel of the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, from its prolonged occupation, settlement and annexation of the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, including measures aimed at altering the demographic composition, character and status of the Holy City of Jerusalem, and from its adoption of related discriminatory legislation and measures?

(b) How do the policies and practices of Israel referred to in paragraph 18 (a) above affect the legal status of the occupation, and what are the legal consequences that arise for all States and the United Nations from this status?” 

The public hearings......


The State of #Palestine opens the public hearings in the advisory proceedings on the Legal Consequences arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, before the #ICJ


The #Netherlands#Bangladesh and #Belgium present their oral statements in the advisory proceedings on the Legal Consequences arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem

#Belize#Bolivia #Brazil and #Chile present their oral statements in the advisory proceedings on the Legal Consequences arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem



#Colombia#Cuba#Egyptthe #UAE and #USA present their oral statements in the advisory proceedings on the Legal Consequences arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem

 #Russia#France#TheGambia#Guyana and #Hungary present their oral statements in the advisory proceedings on the Legal Consequences arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem


#China#Iran#Iraq#Ireland#Japan and #Jordan present their oral statements in the advisory proceedings on the Legal Consequences arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem

#Kuwait#Lebanon#Libya #Luxembourg#Malaysia and #Mauritius present their oral statements in the advisory proceedings on the Legal Consequences arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem


#Namibia#Norway#Oman#Pakistan#Indonesia and #Qatar present their oral statements in the advisory proceedings on the Legal Consequences arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem

#UnitedKingdom#Slovenia#Sudan#Switzerland#Syria and #Tunisia present their oral statements in the advisory proceedings on the Legal Consequences arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem


#Türkiye, #Zambia, #League of Arab States, #Organisation for Islamic Cooperation and #Africa Union present their oral statements in the advisory proceedings on the Legal Consequences arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem

NOTE: Verbatim records of all oral proceedings can be found at:


Earlier, on 16 February 2024 in the matter of the Republic of South Africa v The State of Israel the International Court of Justice issued this media release in response to the situation in Rafah in the far south of the Gaza Strip near the border with Egypt:

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