
Tuesday 13 February 2024

A simple explanation of the 'right to disconnect' - that is the right to separate your work life from your home & family life

All employees in the national workplace relations system are covered by the National Employment Standards (NES).

This is regardless of the award, registered agreement or employment contract that applies. 

Details can be found at:

Considering that Opposition Leader & LNP MP for Dickson Peter Dutton has vowed to repeal the Albanese government’s newly passed tranche of workplace reforms, including the right to disconnect, if the Coalition was to be re-elected to office next year — here is a simple explanation of how, under the law, workers now have the legal right to ignore phone calls and emails made by their employers out of working hours or demands to work unscheduled unpaid hours if the employer's request can be considered unreasonable. In other words, workers have the right to disconnect their home and family life from their work life.

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