Tuesday 2 July 2024

Clarence River Estuary Cleanup, Saturday 6 July 2024 for 9am start. Volunteers needed from recreational angler community & friends. Register now!


Clarence River Estuary Cleanup

WHEN: Saturday 6 July 2024

START: 9am

WHERE: Meet OzFish cleanup crew at dirt park near Oyster Channel Bridge, Yamba NSW 2464




Approach to town side of Oyster Channel Bridge


Mirage News. 27 June 2024:

OzFish Unlimited – Australia fishing conservation charity, together with NSW DPI Fisheries are calling on recreational anglers to help clean up the banks of the mighty Clarence River in Yamba on Saturday July 6.

Through the state-wide KEEP IT CLEAN initiative, both organisations want to see as many anglers involved.

"No one wants to catch a plastic bag when they're out on the water and we know the impacts litter can have on local wildlife and marine life. Clean-ups like this make for better fishing experience for all involved," said Caitlin Berecry, OzFish spokesperson.

"Rec fishers see the impacts of litter. And it's not always rec fishing litter that we're cleaning up but by getting involved fishos are inspiring other to think local and create change.

"We simply need Yamba anglers to come down and give us a few hours to better the local environment," said Caitlin.

This clean up and it's follow up event scheduled for early September are part of a wider project OzFish is running in collaboration with the Yaegl Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC (Yaegl TOAC).

The project aims to restore saltmarsh and mangroves in the Clarence River Estuary, which are culturally and ecologically important native title sites on Yaegl Country.

These habitats are absolutely vital for a healthy fishery, with Clarence saltmarshes being valued at $25,741 per hectare – showing just how productive they really are.

Volunteers can meet the clean-up crew at the dirt park by the Oyster Channel Bridge at 9am. Look out for the OzFish signage. All the necessary equipment for the clean-up will be provided but volunteers are encouraged to bring water and wear sun-safe clothing.

All the collected rubbish is sorted and recorded at the end of the clean-up with items sent to recycling where possible. Eligible items may eventually find their way back into the hands of rec anglers through OzFish's Tackle Loop program.

Prizes and giveaways will be up for grabs.

Registration is essential for the event. To register head to https://ozfish.org.au/event/keep-it-clean-yamba-nsw-6-july/


Keep it Clean is a partnership with OzFish and the NSW Department of Primary Industries. It is made possible through funding by the Recreational Fishing Trusts and Marine Estate Management Strategy. [my yellow highlighting]



OzFish is partnering with NSW DPI to redefine what it means to be a responsible angler. Join us on a Fish For Life journey to preserve the beauty of our waterways and ensure generations to come can experience the thrill of the catch.

Our goal is crystal clear: empower anglers to champion sustainable fishing practices. It’s not just about catching memories; it’s about leaving a legacy of cleaner waters and unspoiled habitats.

Each time you go fishing is an opportunity to make a difference and the Fish For Life – Keep It Clean campaign encourages exactly that. Be part of making a difference use the hashtag #FishForLifeKeepItClean, share the videos, and show Australia just how much our waterways mean to recreational fishers by getting involved.

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