Monday 9 July 2012

Clarence Valley Community to rally again tomorrow, Tuesday 10 July 2012

Greg Hunt is in error, is in error, is in error.................

On 29 June 2012 ABC online published what appears to have been a media release from Coalition spokesperson
for Climate Action, Environment and Heritage, Greg Hunt.

In this release Mr. Hunt specifically named two companies and one industry as included in the listed 294 big polluters directly paying a carbon ‘tax’ from 1 July 2012.

Intrigued by these claims, I went looking for the proof.

This following is what one of the named companies, Mackay Sugar Pty Ltd,  has told government, shareholders and the Australian Stock Exchange over the years.

Mackay Sugar on average produces about 850,000 tonnes of raw sugar. The company sells primarily to Sugar Australia (for its Racecourse sugar mill) with any excess sugar product being exported. It also produces 180,000 tonnes of the by-product molasses annually which is mostly sold on the domestic market.

The company has also diversified into electricity production from cane by-product. It is currently expanding its renewable energy investment by constructing a 36MW renewable electricity plant at the Racecourse site which will supply about 30% of the Mackay district’s growing electricity needs. As a renewable energy generator/user, the impact of the carbon price on Mackay Sugar’s milling operations will be managed.

In other words, it is highly likely that Mackay Sugar (although listed as a liable entity) will have little or no exposure to direct payment for its greenhouse gas emissions and, therefore there should be a correspondingly small risk that the sugar Clarence Valley shoppers pick up from local supermarket shelves will contain a price increase attributable to Mackay Sugar’s Clean Energy liabilities in 2012-13.

Mr. Hunt also mentioned that Kraft Australia Holdings Pty Ltd (of Vegemite fame) will be raising prices because it is one of those identified big polluters. Unfortunately for Mr. Hunt this multinational company is not on the Federal Government list of liable entities for this financial year. So one has to suspect that he has been taken in by the multinational's lobbying in the media for grant monies/tax relief.

Finally, Mr. Hunt included an entire Australian industry as one of these big polluters liable to directly pay for its carbon emissions. Again, he is on shaky ground because neither dairy farmers nor dairy manufacturers are liable entities this year according to both the Federal Government and the Australian Dairy Industry Council Inc.

He also neglected to mention that corporations and local governments can stay off the list of liable entities by altering production/ business practices and/or switching to higher levels of renewable energy use through co-generation/biomass schemes and the like.

Any price increases on electricity or groceries due to carbon pricing will be directly attributable to lazy companies, that failing to address their own greenhouse gas emissions, expect their wholesale/retail customers to subsidise this folly though those very same increases being passed on to local consumers of the final product in the supply chain.

I’m sure Greg Hunt is well aware of all these points and has taken advantage of the gullibility of hard-pressed mainstream editors to create a little political mischief.

Proud to be tackling climate change

Well, b*gger me dead 2

Teh Mad Monk
manages to show off his ar$e and his tonsure at the same time

Since this little bit of grandstanding, Abbott has taken to cultivating a discreet comb over to reduce the size of his bare paddock and, was that the beginnings of sideburns I saw him sporting yesterday or just a bad ABC makeup job?

Sunday 8 July 2012

Grafton Gaol Picket Line - 8 July 2012 Update

Some, like Nationals federal candidate Kevin Hogan and Nationals NSW MP Chris Gulaptis came for the photo opportunities afforded by news cameras, others came to support their community during the long, cold haul on the picket line last night.

Below are some of these long haulers.
Former Country Labor candidate for the Clarence by-election Peter Ellem, second from left, shows solidarity at the Grafton Gaol picket line with United Services Union Regional Organiser Craig Chandler, Corrective Services teacher Sharryn Usher and husband Robert, Public Services Association Assistant General Secretary Shane O'Brien and Grafton Gaol Assistant Superintendent Damien 'Bluey' Carter.
The picket line 7 July 2012

The Daily Examiner Editor Jenna Carney and photographer Debrah Novak were also on the line last night.

It is understood that,
earlier in the night, a local tow truck (called by police to move a vehicle blocking the entrance to Grafton Gaol) refused to cross the line.

At 3pm on Sunday 8 July it was reported:
These transfer trucks are expected back tomorrow morning.

The picket line holds firm.

*Photographs found at The Daily Examiner or supplied by protest participants.

ssssssSnake MP

Lower than a Snakes Belly

This is the Member for Clarence, Chris Would I Lie To You? Gulaptis.

Posturing in a protest T-shirt after signing a petition he knew was going nowhere.

A day later and he‘s offering a Northern Rivers Jobs Plan to replace the 107 people he and his mates in Macquarie Street just sacked at Grafton Gaol.

But under this plan they won’t be giving money to farmers, cane growers, cattlemen, trawler owners, timber mills, quarry operators, car yards, supermarkets, local retailers, publicans, accountants, real estate agents, security firms or companies under 2 years old to create new employment opportunities in these businesses.

You know, just the sort of places where jobs might be created in a region like the Clarence Valley.

Swinging Voter No More
South Grafton

* GuestSpeak is a feature of North Coast Voices allowing Northern Rivers residents to make satirical or serious comment on issues that concern them. Posts of 250-300 words or less can be submitted to ncvguestspeak AT for consideration.

Be very wary of Brumby's Bakeries

According to media reports Brumby’s franchises have all received a head office memo suggesting that Consumer Price Index related price rises be implemented in June-July 2012 and that stores should; Let the carbon tax take the blame.

On the NSW Mid and Far North Coast Brumby’s outlets can be found at Ballina, Byron Bay, Coffs Harbour, Kempsey, Lismore, Murwillumbah, Port Macquarie and Tweed Heads.

Having been outed so publicly, the head of the Retail Food Group, Brumby's parent company, Tony Alford issued his own statement to the the stock exchange saying the comments ‘‘were not sanctioned and are of significant concern to the board’’.