Tuesday 6 September 2016

Senate Inquiry into Australian Census 2016: your chance to finally have a say on the ABS, personal privacy, data retention and #CensusFail

On 31 August 2016, the Senate referred an inquiry into the 2016 Census to the Senate Economics References Committee for inquiry and report by 24 November 2016.

The Inquiry terms of reference are:

The 2016 Census, with particular reference to:
  1. the preparation, administration and management on the part of the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and the Government in the lead up to the 2016 Census;
  2. the scope, collection, retention, security and use of data obtained in the 2016 Census;
  3. arrangements, including contractual arrangements, in respect of the information technology aspects of the Census;
  4. the shutting down of the Census website on the evening of 9 August 2016, the factors leading to that shutdown and the reasons given, and the support provided by government agencies, including the Australian Signals Directorate;
  5. the response rate to the Census and factors that may have affected the response rate;
  6. privacy concerns in respect of the 2016 Census, including the use of data linking, information security and statistical linkage keys;
  7. Australia’s Census of Population and Housing generally, including purpose, scope, regularity and cost and benefits;
  8. the adequacy of funding and resources to the ABS;
  9. ministerial oversight and responsibility; and
  10. any related matters.

Submissions close on 21 September 2016.

Address for submissions:

Senate Standing Committees on Economics
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3540
Fax: +61 2 6277 5719

Online submissions may be lodged here.

Climate Change and Renewable Energy: time to get the finger out Australia!

The Age, 1 September 2016:

Australia was the only G20 nation judged to be "very poor" in four of the seven climate categories, such as emissions and trends, share of renewable energy and overall climate policy. The other three were all "poor".
The nation was signalled out for channelling $US5 billion ($6.65 billion) a year in federal government subsides for fossil fuel production compared with $US150 million for public climate finance.
"Australia has made the smallest pledge to the [UN's] Green Climate Fund of all the G20 countries with climate ­finance obligations," the report notes, adding it had ranked sixth largest in 2013-14. The funds that are being spent include supporting "relatively efficient coal technologies".
The low ranking comes as the Turnbull government seeks Labor's support to axe at least $1 billion for clean energy technologies being developed by the Australian Renewable Energy Agency. The loss of ARENA grants will place at risk hundreds of research positions at the Australian National University, the University of NSW, CSIRO and elsewhere.

It doesn’t take a genius to realise that conservative governments in Australia are going to sleepwalk over the climate change cliff if they are not abruptly jolted awake.

It’s time for ordinary citizens to demand that the federal government be opposed on every occasion it tries to reduce or cease efforts to combat global warming.

Send a simple email such as this to make your voice heard in Canberra – make your own choice of political party and MP or senator and ask them to act on your behalf:

From: redacted [mailto:redacted]
Sent: Thursday, 1 September 2016 10:36 AM
To: 'Bill.Shorten.MP@aph.gov.au'
Cc: 'Mark.Butler.MP@aph.gov.au'
Subject: Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) funding

Hon. Bill Shorten MP
Leader of the Opposition
House of Representatives
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

1 September 2016

Hon. Mark Butler MP
Shadow Minister for Climate Change and Energy

Dear Sir,
Re: Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA)

Media is reporting that the parliamentary Labor Party intends to support federal government measures to significantly reduce funding to the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA).

Such support would run counter to the best interests of the nation given the inevitability of further climate change impacts and, I respectfully request that you demonstrate the courage of Labor’s convictions and refuse to pass the ‘Omnibus Bill’ whilst ever it contains clauses which reduce the ability of ARENA to function as a mechanism to rapidly increase renewable energy projects and clean energy products available in Australia.

Yours faithfully,

[name & address redacted]

Act now, while your home still has a resale value, your town clean drinking water and the very young and very old in your family are not being placed at increased risk by record heatwaves, storms or floods.


To date ARENA has completed 60 projects and is managing a further 200 - 97 of which are in New South Wales.

Monday 5 September 2016

Moggy Musings [Archived material from Boy the Wonder Cat]

bob each way musing: The Australian Electoral Commission has released the political donation list for 2014-15 and Google "First Do No Harm" Inc has decided it's a good idea to give money to Labor and the Liberals - $60k for the ALP & $66k to the Libs. So ya'll know who to blame if your team loses click here to search the records.

let's share musing: Granny Herald let the cat out of the bag on 04.02.15 -Another of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's investments is under scrutiny, with revelations he has a financial stake in the global parent company of the scandal-plagued 7-Eleven empire. Fairfax Media can reveal Mr Turnbull has shares in two international investment funds that invest in Japanese conglomerate Seven & I Holdings. Seven & I's major subsidiary is Seven-Eleven Japan, which is the parent company of 7-Eleven in the United States. The US company in turn licences the billionaire Withers and Barlow family, who own Australia's scandal-plagued stores. As a Senate committee prepares to probe the wages exploitation scandal on Friday, Labor has claimed the investment raises concerns Mr Turnbull must address.

victorious Gloucester musing: 4 February 2016 - AGL Energy Limited (AGL) today announced that following a review, it has taken a strategic decision that exploration and production of natural gas assets will no longer be a core business for the company due to the volatility of commodity prices and long development lead timesIn New South Wales, AGL will not proceed with the Gloucester Gas Project and will cease production at the Camden Gas Project in South West Sydney in 2023, twelve years earlier than previously proposed. Resulting impairments for both projects have included additional provisions ensuring rehabilitation costs have been appropriately provided for.

political waste musing: I was listening to the hoomins nattering over their coffee (I prefer tea as anyone letting me close to their cup inevitably finds out) and I discovered that the company which empties the garbage bins at my house gave the Queensland Liberal and National parties a whopping $247,750 in 2014-15. Guess they didn’t see much bang for their buck.

who is that musing: So which Liberal Senator has a URL ending in a strangely inappropriate three-letter word?http://www.aph.gov.au/Senators_and_Members/Parliamentarian?MPID=G0D? Why it’s Senator Oriency Drab.

campaigning musing: A little birdie told me that people are prepared to come to New England from as far away as South Australia to campaign for independent Tony Windsor if he decides to run against the Nats Barnaby Joyce.

January court blitz musing: Look who is taking local government in the Northern Rivers to court this month. Jane Stanford v Clarence Valley Council(District Court), Lorraine Carroll v Clarence Valley Council trading as Clarence Valley Council(Supreme Court),Dawn Mary Allen v Ballina Shire Council(District Court), R v TWEED SHIRE COUNCIL (Local Court),Rory Bruce-Allen by his next friend Karen Anne Bruce-Allen v BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL,(District Court).

West Yamba musing: So which landowner-cum-developer is rumoured to be suing Clarence Valley Council and others over an approved development application?

whosa grinch musing: It's not just a sly Iluka DA that turned up on Christmas Eve - on the same day council workers removed 4 picnic tables and seating from the Rotary shelter at Iluka sports oval. When sprung Clarence Valley Council told locals that this outdoor picnic furniture (said to be have been paid for by Rotary and the local fishing club) would be refurbished & returned before 7 February 2016. More than one little moggy on that side of the river has muttered quietly that it's only being returned because they were sprung.

what's the question again musing: Here is an Independent Australia pop quiz.
Over the last 31 months, since May 2013, 23 state or federal parliamentarians have either been forced to resign from their party or the executive (government or parliamentary) following allegations of misconduct. How many were Labor Party MPs?
(a) All 23.
(b) Eleven, fewer than half.
(c) Only six.
(d) Three.
The footnote added last time still applies: not all stood aside are necessarily guilty. At least one has since been rehabilitated.
Answer: (d) Three

Policy Platforms of Candidates in the Clarence Valley Local Government Elections, Saturday 10 September 2016 - Part Four

North Coast Voices contacted as many Clarence local government election candidates as was possible and issued an invitation to supply their policy positions for our readers.

Here is the fourth post in this series.


Peta Rogers

My name is Peta Rogers and I am standing for election on September 10 as an Independent Councillor. I have chosen not to nominate any preferences or do any deals. I will work with whoever is elected alongside me for the betterment of the Clarence Valley.
I was raised in Glenreagh and after completing high school in Grafton, I attended university. I have completed graduate and post-graduate studies in Finance and Investment. Before having children, my career revolved around the Financial Services Sector, and I am hoping to use my knowledge to gain a real understanding in regards to Council’s financial position, why it has occurred and thoroughly investigate all solutions before the situation becomes irretrievable. The ‘Special’ Rate Variation is not a long-term solution to debt management.
My motivation in standing for election has built steadily over the past three years. My own questions about the unfair rating structure, articles on Special Rate Variations and whether we are or are not ‘Fit For The Future’, and finally a survey asking me to rank the ‘Discretionary Assets’ of the Council. But a hall is not a discretionary asset to a small community? The saleyards are not a discretionary asset to our Primary Producers? These are not ‘Discretionary Assets’ to the Clarence Valley.
And from this I realised that my Council had lost touch with its ratepayers, the Council had stopped listening to its people? But isn’t the fundamental purpose of a Council, to serve its ratepayers? To listen…..
My vision for the Clarence Valley Council includes the election of Councillors that are ready to work hard and make difficult decisions for our future. A team of Councillors ready to work cohesively and respectfully of each other for the betterment of the Valley as a whole.
I would like to see the Clarence Valley Council known for exceptional corporate governance, of transparency, accountability and inclusive decision making.
I would like to see responsible fiscal management leading the Clarence Valley Council towards being a financially strong Council. The days of spending more than we have must end. We can’t let ourselves get further into debt for shiny new assets when we are unable to maintain the ones we have.
This will better position the Council to be able to serve its Communities more effectively and efficiently once again, while being able to support the development of long-term sustainable industry, both new and traditional.
I would like to see our approach to the Tourism Industry become more aggressive and structured with ‘out-of-the-box’ ideas capturing more of the tourism market for us. Geographically we should be thriving – located between Brisbane and Sydney, between the ocean and the mountains – we have everything and the best of it!
My name is Peta Rogers – I am young, educated and passionate about moving the Clarence Valley in the right direction.
I ask for your support on September 10 to do this.

Text and photograph supplied by Peta Rogers

Richie Willamson
Now is the time for strong, stable, local, leadership; My Priorities for the next term are;

Local Road Funding, Environmental Sustainability, Tourism Services, Economic Development Planning.

Major improvements to Council road network, this financial year Council is investing a record $23 million into maintenance and capital projects on the network. The current condition of the local roads needs to improve; the next four years will be critical - Council can provide a much higher level of service for our residents.

Continue the work that being done already to make the Clarence Valley’s environment more sustainable, our Council should continue to invest in programs that lead NSW in waste management, build on the relationships built with Dirt Girl, put the right thing in the right bin. Increase the number of solar systems on public buildings. Continue working on the Coastal Management plans for Brooms Head and Wooli.

Tourism Services; with the Pacific Highway project starting Council must now review its tourism strategy, to ensure we have an understanding of what it means to be a few short hours from Brisbane and the Gold Coast and encourage them to visit and stay in the Clarence Valley, ensure signage is correct, make sure we are marketing ourselves to the correct audience, attract visitors to National Parks, The Clarence River, Beaches, towns and villages, boating and canoe trails, sporting events, more river access points and pontoons.

Economic Development; I will be pushing for a full review of the Clarence Economic Development plan funded in next year’s budget. The game changer of the Clarence is the Pacific Highway upgrade, along with the Grafton Jail, Grafton Bridge and the roll out of the NBN network. The Clarence valley needs to continue the planning for the “finished” projects now. Plan for the village boom that will be coming for towns like Ulmarra, Brushgrove, Wooli and Maclean.

The second stage of the Maclean Riverside precinct plan will be started with a $1.8 million commitment from the Federal Government and the next stage of the Grafton riverside plan will start in the next term, opening up access to the might Clarence river is a major draw card for our Valley.

New playgrounds are being developed in Grafton, Maclean and Yamba and the next stage of the Iluka walk is planned.

I have never and will not support the “mega port” proposal for the Clarence River.

Vote 1 for Richie Williamson to allow the community work to continue.

Text and photograph supplied by Richie Williamson


Previous posts in the 2016 Clarence Valley local government election candidate profile series:

http://northcoastvoices.blogspot.com.au/2016/08/policy-platforms-of-candidates-in_30.html Hagger, Novak, Wells, Baker

http://northcoastvoices.blogspot.com.au/2016/09/policy-platforms-of-candidates-in_2.html Hughes, Bates, Tunks, Saunders

No Yamba Mega Port group puts port question to candidates in Clarence Valley local government election

29 August 2016 · 

With an upcoming council election on 10 September we contacted all candidates standing for the Clarence Valley Council to ask their stance on the proposed Yamba Mega Port.
This is what we asked:
1. Do you support the proposed Yamba Mega Port?:
A. No
B. Yes
C. Unsure
D. Yes, with qualifications
2. Please provide an explanation of your position.
A summary of all answers to question 1 can be seen in the table below.
The statements provided in response to question 2 will be posted individually over the next few days.

Arthur Lysaught, elected unopposed at a council by-election in 2015, is overseas for the duration of this local government election campaign and the 10 September polling day.
Brett Tibbett, a first time candidate, is a surprising absence from this list.

Individual statements supplied to No Yamba Mega Port by candidates to date:
John Riggall
Arthur Lysault - no statement supplied

Sunday 4 September 2016

Warning to Canberra: British MPs here to listen and act as they arrive in Norfolk Island on fact-finding programme

Medianet Logo
AAP Logo
 Medianet Release

29 Aug 2016 1:21 PM AEST - Warning to Canberra: British MPs here to listen and act as they arrive in Norfolk Island on fact-finding programme

Media Release
29th August 2016

Warning to Canberra: British MPs here to listen and act as they arrive in Norfolk Island on fact-finding programme

On arrival tomorrow in Norfolk Island, a delegation of British Parliamentarians will begin a three day fact-finding programme in response to Canberra's annexation of Norfolk Island.  The delegation, led by Foreign Affairs Select Committee member, Andrew Rosindell MP (Conservative, Romford) will seek to gain further understanding about the key issues and to hear first-hand the views and opinions of Norfolk Islanders.

Hosting the delegation is Andre Nobbs, Technical Advisor to the Council of Elders and former Norfolk Island Chief Minister, who first proposed a visit of UK Parliamentarians to Norfolk Island after receiving positive soundings from MPs during his visit to London last November.  Mr Nobbs states that the purpose of the delegation is to highlight that the process to remove self-government was based on misleading and flawed data and the process was enacted against the wishes of the majority of the people of Norfolk Island.

An invitation to visit Norfolk Island was sent towards the end of 2015 and during June this year a report was provided to MPs in Westminster and the invitation to visit the island was discussed in detail culminating in an agreed timing and commitment to a neutral evaluation of the Island's situation.

On behalf of the Council of Elders, the Norfolk Island People for Democracy and the majority of Norfolk Island people as identified in official referendum, Andre Nobbs states:

"Upon my return from London, we identified that Norfolk Island has many friends who are keen to listen and act, this week's visitation and engagement with the community is testament to that fact.  We are pleased to welcome Mr Rosindell and his two colleagues, Ms Paula Sherriff MP and Mr Daniel Kawczynski MP.

"So let this be a warning to Canberra - the people of Norfolk Island want a different constitutional arrangement - and that means self-determination and self-government.  There was and is still room for a collaborated, successful and productive outcome and we would like the opportunity to engage - with an independent oversight body to ensure all parties do the right thing."

© Australian Associated Press, 2016