
Wednesday 28 November 2007

Brand new Opposition begins its early whiteant campaign

It didn't take that NSW North Coast Nats more than a matter of hours to decide that the reason they lost Page and Richmond at Saturday's federal election was not the calibre of Nationals candidates or the party's history in government. No, it was because the election was run as a 'presidential' campaign which personally pitted each Nats candidate against the Labor candidate Kevin Rudd. 
A rumour is now spreading that the Rudd Government intends to raise the GST to 15% as soon as possible. Give you one guess as to the source. Twitter and bisted little losers aren't they?


  1. As the Nats. join the Democrats in irrelevance, the Greens and the independents have risen to keep the system honest - we hope.

    Pity about the Democrats though, I used to believe in them.

  2. Yeah, damn shame about the Democrats. They wer good value years ago.


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